Miss Hokusai
The time: 1814. The place: Edo. in their own own mid-fifties A realized artist of the period, Tetsuzo works within the garbage-loaded chaos of their house-atelier, and can boast customers from all around Japan. He spends his days creating amazing pieces of art, by the Bodhidharma portrayed on a 180 square sheet of newspaper, to a pair of sparrows painted onto a rice grain. Third of Tetsuzo's created of the next marriage and four brothers, outspoken 23-year-old O Ei has inherited her father's ability and stubbornness, and often he would be painted in the place of by her , though uncredited. Her art is so powerful that leads to trouble. "We are father and daughter. With two brushes and four chopsticks, I suppose we can always manage, in a way or the other."
Released: 2015-05-09