Alaska State Troopers
Alaska State Troopers is an American documentary television show. The series primarily follows the daily beats of various bureaus over the Alaska State Troopers. Additionally, the series features segments that follow along village public safety officers in addition to officers from different cities such as the Wasilla, Palmer, Anchorage, and Soldotna. The series follows the exploits of a variety of officers. Troopers who are seen on the series include: James and Anne Sears, Howie Peterson, Jon Simeon and Brent Johnson, Scott Quist, Odean Hall, Lonny Piscoya, Luis Nieves, Dan Dahl, Rick Roberts, Abraham Garcia, Dan Cox, Gabe Rich, Jonathan Stroebele, Joshua Varys, Daron Cooper, Lance Ewers, and Kamau Leigh.
At Kentucky, a jumble of Blue Heeler dogs were dropped off anonymously in 2011. The two men were termed"Trooper Dan Dahl" along with"Trooper Howie Peterson", after the Troopers over the series. The dogs were named after Anne Sears, Amy Bowen and Troopers Aileen Witrosky, who have all been featured on the series.