Baby Felix
Baby Felix is an animated children's television show that follows the adventures of a young Felix the Cat and infant versions of the characters from Joe Oriolo's Felix television program from the 1950s. The show was created for young audiences. It was initiated in the year 2000 by Don Oriolo, the son of Oriolo, in collaboration with NHK Educational, NEC Interchannel, and AEON inc. of Japan. The show is broken up into 26 episodes that are each half an hour long. It is the latest entry in the long line of "Baby Cartoon Revivals," joining the ranks of other shows like "Muppet Babies," "Baby Looney Tunes," and "The Flintstone Kids." A-Design distributed all 26 episodes throughout Bulgaria on a total of 9 DVDs. In the year 2010, DVDs were also made available in the country of Hungary.
Duration: 30