Bob and Margaret
Margaret and bob is just actually really a Canadian/UK animated television series that was shown at the USA and all around the world. Nelvana, a Toronto animation studio made the series, also created by Brit Alison Snowden and Canadian David Fine. The series had been founded upon the Academy Award winning film Bob's Birthday, featuring. The series is just one of the Canadian shows to have regular American vulnerability. It had been the highest rated Canadian made animation series when it aired on Global Television.
The series revolved around a married couple a centre income 40-ish working couple with no kids and two dogs named Elizabeth and William. Bob is actually a dentist and Margaret is just a chiropodist. Margaret and bob fight with regular issues and life crisis. Stories usually revolve around the mundane, in a way which is eminently relatable. By shopping to working together with friends who frighten them's trials , but owe them a dinner.
In the first two seasons, both Margaret and Bob lived at the South London neighborhood of Balham, in England. To Toronto, Canada, nevertheless , they moved for the fourth and third seasons, allowing the authors to explore the comedy of civilization clash. The movement was inspired by the majority of funding, with certain Canadian tax benefits dependent on stories established in Canada. As such, to hold the chain financed, the movement was necessary. The series' founders chose to have an executive role reviewing consulting and broadcasts, but not included with the detail. Snowden continued to provide the voice Margaret, but Bob's voice played with Andy Hamilton, was substituted with Brian George.
Released: 1998-06-22