Doctor Lawyer
One of the best surgeons around was named Han Yi Han. He received his medical degree from South Korea's most prestigious institution and went on to specialize in both general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery. He graduated at the top of his class. One operation was all it took to transform his life. Han Yi Han is confident in his performance during that surgery; however, the patient did not survive. After that, his medical license was taken away from him. After a period of time of four years, Han Yi Han is now employed as a lawyer who specializes in the field of medical litigation. In addition to this, he investigates the circumstances surrounding the passing of one of his former patients. Han Yi Han uses his trials to advocate for victims' rights and seek justice against those responsible for acts of medical negligence and malpractice. He is employed by a public prosecutor, who suffered the loss of a family member as well as a lover as a direct result of the operation that Han Yi Han did.
Released: 2022-06-03