Drawn Together
Drawn Together is a popular adult animated sitcom that originated in the United States and aired on Comedy Central from October27,2004, through November14, 2007. The series, which was developed by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, takes the form of a sitcom but takes place in the context of a television reality program. Along the same lines as those of MTV's The Challenge and VH1's The Surreal Life, the eight characters that make up the show are a combination of individuals who were already well-known and identifiable before the series began. Caricatures of well-known cartoon characters as well as stock characters were utilized in Drawn Together, which operated in a distinct manner. In addition, the characteristics of their characters are satirical takes on the types of people who frequently appear in reality television shows. It was billed as the first animated reality program on Comedy Central's website, and in some episodes, the characters take part in competitions that are analogous to those seen on reality television. Although the show was ended after only three seasons, it continues to have a significant following among its fans. After that, on April 20th,2010, The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! was made available to the public.
Released: 2004-10-27
Duration: 30
United States of America