Eureka Seven
Eureka Seven is a mecha anime television series produced in Japan by Bones. The series is also known in Japan under the title Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN. The story of Renton Thurston and the criminal organization known as Gekkostate, his complicated relationship with the mysterious mecha pilot known only as Eureka, and the intrigue surrounding the Coralians are told in the anime series Eureka Seven. Bandai has released three video games based on the Eureka Seven franchise. Two of the games are focused on events that took place before the show, and the third game is based on the first half of the show. The basic premise of the anime and the video game Eureka Seven vol.1: New Wave have both been turned into manga series, albeit with several substantial changes, most of which are concentrated at the end of the series. In addition to being made into a series of four novels, as well as a film, the television show has also been turned into an adaptation.
Released: 2005-04-17