Jackass is a popular reality show that originated in the United States and was broadcast on MTV from the years 2000 to 2002. The show follows a group of people as they participate in a variety of dares and pranks that put their own bodies in risk. The show acted as a springboard for the television and acting careers of Bam Margera, Steve-O, and also Johnny Knoxville, who had only a few supporting roles in his acting career prior to appearing on the show. MTV's corporate brother, Paramount Pictures, has continued the Jackass series after it ended its run on television by producing and releasing three Jackass films since 2002. The show was the catalyst for the creation of a number of spin-offs, the most notable of which are Viva La Bam, Wildboyz, Homewrecker, Dr. Steve-O, and Blastazoid. The publication Entertainment Weekly ranked the program #68 on their list of "New TV Classics."
Released: 2000-04-12