Klovn is a Danish sitcom that first aired on the TV2 Zulu channel in Denmark. It centers on the lives of the protagonists Frank and Casper. The comedy of the show is based on quiet everyday events, social awkwardness, awkward silences, and general gaffes. The core concept of a semi-retired comic confronting amusing and embarrassing circumstances with his wife, friends, and famous acquaintances is shared by Klovn and Larry David's American sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm. The show is also staged in a pseudo-realistic manner, which may lead a first-time viewer to question whether or not it is contrived. Even the grade is comparable. Despite this, the show's closing credits indicate that Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam came up with the concept. The sitcom is divided into six seasons with 60 episodes each lasting 25 minutes. Between February 23 and April 27, 2009, the sixth and last season of the show aired. Klown, a film based on the series with an original plotline, was released on December 16, 2010.
Released: 2005-02-07