Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is a Japanese anime television series directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, with screenplay Created by Native Arcs, Also written by Masaki Tsuzuki. It forms a portion of this Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series. Thirteen episodes were broadcast by the Japanese Association of Independent Television Stations between December 2004 and October. The series is a spin-off of this Triangle Heart series along with its narrative follows a young woman named Nanoha Takamachi who decides to assist a young mage named Y?no to recover a pair of twenty six artifacts termed the"Jewel Seeds".
Masaki Tsuzuki adapted the show to some publication, which Megami Bunko published in August 2005. King Records has adapted soundtracks and drama CDs . A sequel to the anime series titled Seven Arcs made Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A premiered in Japan on October 2005, broadcast on Chiba Television. A picture adaptation of the arcade series was released in theatres on January 2-3, 2010, accompanied by a manga series which was serialized at Megami Magazine between November 2009 and March 2011.
Geneon Entertainment licensed the anime series to get english language dubbed release in North America in Anime Expo 2007. As a result of Geneon Funimation Entertainment distributed the show approximately one and a half years. For the dubbed discharge were not overlooking.
Released: 2004-10-02