S · A: Special A
Based on a shoujo manga by Maki Minami serialised from Hana to Yume. She along with her father liked to see pro wrestling when Hikari was little, and she became so very good at it. Until one day she was introduced to Kei, the son of the friend of her father, she was the pride of her family. He promptly conquered her and started what would eventually become Hikari ambition to one day beat him. To accomplish that she registered in Kei's school, an ultra elite school that costs her father a lot of funds. This odd school established classes in accordance with levels, and also the most effective seven students become members of this"SA". They have their own construction, and will proactively attend course. Hikari is usually the only one that does so, since she wishes to beat on test scores against Kei. The members of these"SA" have now already been buddies since their first year.
Released: 2008-04-06